
Friday, March 26, 2010

Finally Friday!

Wow, I feel monotonous in saying this week after week, but I must say, I'm so glad to be able to say "It's finally friday!" It's been yet another crazy-busy week in our household. Life is moving very, very fast. It's literally flying by my eyes. That is, I must say, except for when I'm actually living it. My statements seem to contradict each other, yes, I know. However, that's what I'm feeling. Looking back, I just see a whirlwind of laughing and crying, loving and trying to love, drama and stress and every emotion in between. Yesterday seems like just a second ago, yet tomorrow seems so far away. Life moves so incredibly fast when I look at it, but when I live it, it seems painfully slow. Like, science class? Balancing chemical equations? Learning about the civil war? Geometry proofs? Spanish verb conjugations? Research papers? Lacrosse practice? Dance practice? Planning a charity run? Everything-else-I-have-over-committed-myself-to? VERY VERY SLOW.... yet looking back, it went by so fast?

How can this be? How can it possibly be that two things that so dramatically contradict each other somehow intertwine to form this beautiful, confusing, puzzling, crazy, amazing thing I call my life? How can time move so fast yet so slow?

Ah, the mysteries of life. But, what, in its self, is life? Like, duh, its what we live, the greatest and most amazing gift from God. But, what is it? Why do we have it? What's the purpose? Sometimes it can be confusing. One verse that always brings me comfort in the midst of all this?

"For this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
--Psalm 118:24

It's one that reminds me every morning (I have a poster hanging in my closet with this verse on it) why I'm doing what I'm doing. It reminds me why I'm getting up at 5:45 am daily and going to bed by 10 (hopefully). It reminds me why I even care about half the stuff I cram into the 24 hours we call a day. The reason: Jesus. It's simple, really. He made us, created us, came for us, showed us, died for us, reigns for us. Jesus Christ our Lord, our Savior, our God and our most Gracious King, he has made every day that we have. He's created it as a gift and as a blessing and he expects us to live out the gifts of days that he has given us.

So when you're having one of those days (or weeks, or months, or school years for that matter....) where everything just seems to be moving slow and boring and yet fast and crazy at the same time, remember the reason that we do everything we do. It's pretty simple. Because every day we live is a day God made, and we are to rejoice and be glad in it.

Blessings for this weekend!


  1. awesome post, Avery! same here.. life really is going by fast while also exciting at the same time!

    God Bless!

  2. Thanks, Daniel! Have a wonderful and blessed Holy Week!



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