Monday, June 14, 2010
New Blog
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Please Pray
Hi Everyone,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Show Late
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hold Us Together- Matt Maher
Thursday, April 15, 2010
By Your Side- Tenth Avenue North
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Serenity to surrender
God grant me the serenity
| |
Trust in the LORD with all your heart Proverbs 3, 5-6 |
Saturday, April 10, 2010
New Show!
This week's show: April 7, 2010
On the show:
An interview with Popple, a fantastic and inspiring Catholic band
Questions from You
Questions regarding Easter, also a few trivia questions
The Song "salt and Light" by Popple and based on the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
By the love of the Holy One
Friday, March 26, 2010
Finally Friday!
Monday, March 22, 2010
New Show!
Talking all things prayer- from how to pray, when to pray, and some prayers from the saints!
Pure Faith: A prayer book for Teens
Absolutely a wonderful book by Jason Evert
Check out Popple's website at
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Very, very important! Please read and respond!
Song for today
The kingdom is theirs
Alive in the promise
To be dead to the world
Blessed are the meek
In honor of your Father
The Word at your right hand
The Spirit of truth
Unwavering is your voice
Unwavering is your hand
Unwavering is the heart that bled for the sins of men
Unwavering is your will
Unwavering is your plan
The fount of salvation on which we will stand
Blessed are the righteous
On bended knee
Found in this freedom
Committed to you
Blessed are those who see
The heights of glory
Found in the valley
And suffering for you
Unwavering is your voice
Unwavering is your hand
Unwavering is the heart that bled for the sins of men
Unwavering is your will
Unwavering is your plan
The fount of salvation on which we will stand
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Unwavering is your voice
Unwavering is your hand
Unwavering is the heart that bled for the sins of men
Unwavering is your will
Unwavering is your plan
The font of salvation on which we will stand
The font of salvation on which we will stand
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Send us out to be your hands and feet
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Well, there's not much to say....
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Well, that's about it for today, I don't really have any great reflection or anything for today, but that's just what's going on in my world.
Have a great week!
Monday, March 8, 2010
New Show!
On the show:
Interview with Daniel from Special Chronicles
Check out these websites:
Daniel's Website:
Spread the word to end the word:
Special Olympics:
Enjoy the song "Fishers of Men" by Popple. Check out Popple's website at
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Church Retreat
Monday, February 22, 2010
New Show!
What is Lent, why do we observe it, and what should we do for it?
Confirmation Class Interview
An interview with my Confirmation class about Lenten goals, Confirmation saints, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Thanks to:
-sarah, 13, Michigan
-Mark, 11, Washington
-Elizabeth, 14, England
-Peter, 15, West Virginia
for the awesome trivia questions this week! Send your own to me at
Note: There was a mistake on the show's trivia this week. The holy oils are actually made on Holy Thursday, not Tuesday of Holy Week, and they are made at a special mass called the Chrism Mass. However, since the late 1950's, some diocese have these masses on other days close to Thursday, like Tuesday. Sorry for the confusion there!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
For the someone, somewhere, somehow....
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Just an update...
Friday, February 12, 2010
God, my favorite color is green...
Reflecting on my prayer journal today, I started to think about prayer. Specifically, I thought about how my prayers change all the time. Well, that got me thinking about one time in specific, the first time I ever really prayed.
It all started on that chilly winter day in November. Well, most of it at least. I specifically remember it being cold because I was wearing my sister’s itchy hand-me-down sweater, the one with the polar bear on it. Our classroom was burning hot that day, and mom hadn’t let me get a donut after mass. I was hot, I was tired, I was hungry, and I had a cold. Basically, in my eyes, I was the most unhappy a six year old could be. I really didn’t want to be there. As lovely and quaint as little old room 136 was, there was so much else to do. Like color. Or play Barbies. The last thing I really wanted to do on this rainy November Sunday morning was put my sticker up on the attendance chart and recite my memory verse. Oh, and sit on the raggedy carpet squares that smelled funny. But Mom and Dad insisted. So I mentally told myself it would be okay and walked right up to that room to get my sticker. Little did I know, this day would change my life.
The topic of 1st grade Sunday school happened to be prayer that day. As I look back, I really have an appreciation for Mrs. Kathleen and Mrs. Debby, my teachers. I don’t know how I could possibly try to teach six year olds about spirituality. But they did. And they did it well. I remember my memory verse from that day. Actually, I remember it quite well. It is the signature on my emails, my favorite verse to meditate on, and the motto of my show. John 14:6
For I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.
Now at that time, it didn’t mean much to me. Reciting that verse was just another way to please the adults in my life (and get a Hershey’s kiss if I said it right). But back to the lesson that day.
Prayer. My teacher Ms. Kathleen wrote in on the board in big chalk letters. She asked us if any of us knew any prayers. I immediately raised my hand.
Bless us, O Lord! and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord.
I proudly recited my dinner prayer. Ms. Kathleen was pleased. “Now, Avery,” she asked “what does that prayer mean?” There, I was stumped. Yeah, I said it every day before every meal, but did I know what it meant? Not a clue. I mean, I was six. I always had wondered what a “bounty” was, and when exactly we were receiving it. It didn’t really make much sense to me. I stared at her. She smiled and explained that we were giving thanks for our food. I still was wondering what a bounty was. Then a girl in my class, Sarah, raised her hand to recite the Lord’s prayer. Ms. Kathleen, again, smiled and asked if anyone knew what the prayer really meant. She had a good point there. We all knew a bunch of prayers. Ask me for the Hail Mary, and I’d have given you the Hail Mary. Ask me for the Glory Be, and I’d have given you the Glory Be. But did I have any idea what I’m saying? Nope. Not one bit.
That was when she began talking about our personal relationship with God. She told us God was our friend and he would always be with us. We could tell him anything. She said we could even tell him our favorite color. We could tell him about our friends and our pets, and even our parents.
Well, that got me excited. I was excited to meet this God who was going to be my best friend. I was excited to meet this God who would always be with me. And I was really excited to tell God about my cats. I guess I had prayed before then, but it wasn’t real. Not tangible. Well, I went home that night and prayed. I uttered the most sincere prayer I could think of. “God,” I prayed, “Thank you for my life. I want to be your friend. And God, my favorite color is green.”
Now over the years after that, my prayer life has dramatically changed. Obviously I say more than thank you and what my favorite color is. I listen to God, and it isn’t all about my problems. But that day, that chilly November Sunday when I really didn’t want to be at Church, that was the day I learned to pray.
Just a little reflection for this week. Think back through your prayers. The ones we've said so many times that they sometimes can feel like they've lost meaning. I can tell you this, they haven't. So think through the prayers you say, you just may discover something cool. Oh, and don't forget to tell God your favorite color tonight. :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's a small world after all!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Beautiful Song!
New Show!
Two of our Church's saints...
Scripture Study
1st Corinthians 13- what it means and how we can reflect on it!
Questions from You
What is occultism and why is it wrong?
Here's a great article I found very informative:
For all the Harry Potter fans: (trust me, I'm one of them!)
Here is what the Catechism says:
All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons,
conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the
future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of
omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all
conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis,
other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They
contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
(CCC 2116, emphasis added).
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Silence... Oh, how sweet the sound!
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while… I hope everybody is doing great! Well, this week, I’ve been super lucky. We’ve had a five day weekend because snow and ice have been making all of the roads slick and really just can’t seem to melt. And this morning, as I was getting ready to go back to school, I was thinking about how refreshing the break had been. I had been able to relax, play in the snow, go sledding, have a sleepover with my friends, go to the mall, catch up on watching Psych (which a new episode comes on tonight, if you’re keeping score….) start recording, and even break out some of my acrylic paint and a canvas which had been hiding in the closet for quite some time. It wasn’t exactly a quiet, doing-absolutely-nothing weekend (which can really drive me crazy- I’m a people person), but it was really refreshing. For the first time in quite a while, I was actually not completely dreading school. Which by the way, is quite an improvement for me. I mean, I like learning, I love seeing my friends, even the work isn’t too bad, its just the whole cycle gets crazy. You throw in waking up at 5:30, spending an hour on a bus, sports practice, a few hours of homework, getting like 6 hours of sleep, and life gets crazy. And repetitive. And sometimes you just need a refresher. The same thing goes for God.
We can get super caught up in our lives- really easy and really fast. It’s easy to blow off God. I mean, we’re busy busy busy people. There’s always somewhere to go, someone to see, something to do, some homework or project or test to work on, and then, oh yeah, there’s God. But you have to remember, this is God. God, the creator of life. God the Alpha and Omega (beginning and end if you translate from Greek, just for trivia’s sake…) God the Father. Our Father. The One who loves us. Who made us. The Jesus Christ who loves us so very much that he gave the ultimate sacrifice on the cross so we can spend eternity with Him. Oh yeah, so that’s just God. I don’t think so.
In order to love God, we must know God. And in order to know God, we have to understand who He is. We must reflect. Meditate. Pray. That’s where the silence comes in.
Life is loud. Trust me, I know. Life is very, very loud. Somehow, someway, there’s always noise, it seems. But when I talk about silence, I don’t really mean like physical (soundical? Is that even a word?) silence. I mean spiritual silence. Now that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be quiet. I mean, it’s easier to pray and reflect when the radio and your phone and the computer are all off. But the silence I’m talking about is spiritual. We must silence ourselves and our hearts in order to listen to God.
Right now, think about the lunch table. If your friends or you are anything like my friends and I, you’re loud and crazy and you LOVE to talk to each other. Now imagine a conversation at the lunch table. Or even on the bus, if that sets the scene better for you. Now thing about what you would say. What you friend would say. Then think about what the 15 other kids at the table would say when they just happened to be hearing your lovely conversation. One thing I’ve found is, no matter what you say, someone’s going to disagree. Always. So at this lunch table, with the fifteen other kids who were really just eavesdroppers, someone’s bound to disagree. (Work with me here, I really do have a point. I promise.) So the debate begins. Then it gets to where about ten kids are having a conversation and talking over each other. A lot. Now this isn’t really a bad thing, trust me, it happens all the time. It’s really what conversation is. But whatever point you were trying to get across to your friend is not going to get there if you’re talking with these other people the whole lunch.
The same thing goes for God. In our lives, we have to silence our hearts. We must focus on our goal of salvation and promise that no matter what may try to get in the way, we’re going to spend time with Jesus. So this week, I challenge you to silence your heart. Pray to God, and draw nearer to Him and His Holy gift of salvation. It’s really refreshing to be able to get silent with yourself and pray. Just like the snow days gave me a refreshing perspective on school, prayer and intimacy with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, can give us a refreshing perspective on life, faith, and salvation.
May God Bless you this week!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Emptiness… and Fulfillment!
This week at my school, we were given a special opportunity to take part in a program with STARS. It was mainly about stopping bullying, kindness, and becoming less judgmental. It was a two day program that consisted of half of our grade going on one day and the other half going on the next. On the day we weren't in the program, we sat in teacher's classrooms and did "busy work" like copying definitions and doing worksheets on things we had known since like 3rd grade. I remember sitting in the classroom on Wednesday afternoon, after almost an hour of copying full dictionary definitions and writing sentences in silence, and the feeling I felt wasn't really bored. It was more "empty". I couldn't really understand why we were spending so much time copying definitions of words we had known for years. (I still don't, by the way) And so, as I sat there in silence staring at the clock and wondering how much longer I could really take the emptiness of the busy work, I came a realization about my faith.
One thing that's great about God, our Savior and Redeemer is his Holy gift of love. We never ever feel empty when we are filled with the joy of Christ. We can still feel sad, afraid, even sometimes a little bit alone, but we never feel empty. We are filled with emotion as we are filled with the gift of Jesus Christ. I know as a teenager it can be hard to pray. It may be finding time to pray that's difficult, or even just the actual prayer itself. We've all had those moments where we really couldn't concentrate and we felt like we were just talking to the ceiling when we prayed. Sometimes we think our prayers should be answered sooner or in a different way. I know there have been times when I asked God for guidance, and it seemed that He just never answered. But looking back, I really see that it was me who never found the answer. Prayer is a conversation with God. You can't just ask God for guidance then wait for the heavens to open up and you to hear his voice coming from a burning bush. That's just not how things usually happen these days (not to say they couldn't, it's just not every day that we witness these). So when you search for God's call, when you search for a purpose or guidance in your life, stay open and listen. Listen to what Jesus is telling you. True prayer is a two way conversation, not a monologue.
So back to the subject of emptiness…. If you feel empty in your prayer life, take the time to embrace Jesus. With Christ's love and Christ's spirit, you'll never feel empty in faith. Fulfillment is a great thing. Whenever prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament, it was a great thing. In our lives, the fulfillment will be our ultimate goal: Salvation. So stay open to God's call and work towards the goal of fulfillment in your life: Salvation in Jesus Christ. We've never been to heaven, but just from reading the words of our Lord, we know that its well worth the wait and struggles of our lives.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day….
So how is everybody? Honestly, I have to say that I'm just glad that this school week is over! Wow, life has been crazy busy lately…
I think my favorite Bible verse of all time has to be Psalm 118:24. I don't know if it's just the fact that I've heard it so many times, sang so many nursery songs about it, or what, but it always lightens my days and brings me peace, comfort, and joy.
"For this is the day that the Lord God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Psalm 118:24
I think it's really a perspective thing. Sometimes we so caught up in our daily lives, we can forget about the real reasons we are here: To praise God, discover God, and build up his Holy Kingdom here on Earth. It's a verse I have posted on every wall in my room. When I get up in the morning (at 5:45 am- and I'm not really a morning person!), I sometimes think that there are about a million other things I'd rather be doing right now then getting up at an unearthly hour to get on a bus, to go to a school, to go to lacrosse or piano or dance class or something like that (which I really enjoy, it can just be stressful sometimes) to come home and do hours of homework. But I have to remember the blessings I have. Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior, and my King, blessed me with this day, these opportunities, these things. I have the blessing of living in a country where I can get an education. I have the blessing of living in a country where I can do fun things like sports, dance, and music. I've been blessed with a day, an opportunity, a life. So count every day as a blessing. There's song by the band Superchick called "We Live". It's really about embracing every day for the blessing from God that it is, and making the most of life. There's a verse in there that I'm remembering right now that says,
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day
Is a gift somehow, someway
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
So remember, every day that we have, every day that we are blessed with is a gift from God. We can embrace it and use it to build up His Holy Kingdom.
With something to think about…. May God Bless You!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Finding God’s presence in life… you know, just regular old life.
So, how's everybody doing? I decided to take a quick breather from studying right now. Between trigonometry, world issue research papers, the Constitution, chemistry, Spanish verb conjugations, Haiti relief projects and new piano songs, my brain is scattered everywhere today! Oh, and did I mention that tomorrow is a Friday, the day with all the tests at school? Well, I didn't write today to complain or vent (although sometimes that does feel pretty good, I will admit). I wrote to give you some updates and talk a little about God's presence.
Let's start with the updates. As many of you all know, there was a major earthquake in Haiti recently. It killed and displaced many, many people. I strongly encourage you to pray for the people there and look into sponsoring Catholic Relief Services with donations if possible. At my school, our NJHS project for this month is working with "Project Cure", which is an organization that helps with disaster relief. Try to take the time to look into an organization and keep the people there in your prayers. They are going through things that you and I can't even imagine. Our church's mission trip was actually scheduled for next week to Haiti, so I'm sure that we'll be sending relief. However, 15 people are not going to solve the problems without some more help. Churches may have special collections this week for Haiti relief, and I encourage you to at least offer prayers if you can't provide donations for these people.
Also, you may already know about the exciting opportunity I am looking forward to working on. My first "Teen Moments" segment aired today on Catholic Moments podcast with Lisa Hendey, and I am so excited to be on the show and look forward to working more on segments for the show.
So you may be wondering what all of this has to do with God's presence (and I apologize for rambling a bit… let's just say it has been a really, really long week). Well, despite the stress of schoolwork and such, I have found joy the last couple of days in trying to find God's presence in my life always. You know, when you are sitting in Church looking up at a huge crucifix and down on your knees praying, you can't help but feel God's presence. But I am talking a little more about the "outside world"… the everyday life when we don't always feel the way we do in Church. Sometimes life is random. We have absolutely no idea whatsoever what to say to something. That's when we have to turn to God, the creator, and our savior and say "God, it's up to you. Use me." And trust me, that's not always and easy thing to do. But it's the right thing to do. Now say you're not in a terrible situation. Like no one is telling you to cheat, steal, do drugs, that kind of thing. It's just the negative attitude of the people around you or the pushing and shoving and stuff in the hallway. One thing I used to do to remind myself of Christ's presence was pretend it was "shadow student day". Our school does that a lot, where people have their friends from other schools come and see our school. I would do the same with Jesus. When people were trying to get me to engage in negative conversations, copy homework, gossip, or do something that I knew was not in any way building up God's kingdom, I mentally said a little prayer. I pretended that Jesus was right there with me (which He was, God's always with us, I'm just making a point here.) Whenever you don't know what to do, whenever you feel alone, whenever you feel like no one at all could possibly understand what you're going through (and yes, we all have those moments), just remember God. Remember that nothing is too big for him. Nothing. Remember, He did make us all. He made us all the beautiful, wonderful, intricate people that we are. He gave us these emotions and totally understands us. He also made all the trees, and the birds, and the ocean. All that great stuff- that was God. So try today and every day to remember that and remember what's important. Not that your trigonometry test isn't important (look up Proverbs 4:13) but just remember that the events of today, the choices we make to draw closer to Christ today, that's what's really important. Find God's presence and you can do anything. You just have to be open to the call. Our plans aren't always His, but trust me, He's got greater plans than we can even imagine.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? All you have to do is call…
Yes, I know it's corny. I'm getting the theme for my blog post this week from a 70's song by James Taylor ("You've Got a Friend"). But really, I think it has a good point that I want to dig into. Right now, I'm preparing for Confirmation in April. I'm doing a book with my sponsor called Have Faith: Sustaining the Spirit for Confirmation and beyond. The book is by Michael Carotta, and one of the points that he made during the first reflection was that we are always in different spiritual seasons. We can be in summer, enjoying the warmth and comfort of our spiritual lives, just like we love the warmth and comfort of the beach, the pool, and lazy summer days. Or we could be the opposite, in winter. We could feel cold and frigid, kind of like it is outside our windows right now (but, hey, I'm not complaining about that- I've had a four day weekend because of the snow!) There's also spring and fall, the in between seasons. If you are in spiritual spring, you may feel like your faith is blossoming. Or if you're in fall, you may feel like your faith is changing, just like the leaves. But remember, God's always with you. So whether it's winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call on God, and he will help you. So embrace the season you are in. If it's winter, pray for help and guidance to stay close to God. If it's summer, enjoy the season, and store up some of that hope and some of that love you have right now.
Also, I wanted to let you all know about an exciting opportunity I have been blessed with this week. I am happy to let you know that I will be having a segment on Catholic Moments podcast with Lisa Hendey called Teen Moments. The post above is actually the focus of this week's Teen Moment, but that won't usually be the case.
May God Bless you this week,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
2010 Revolution of Faith
Last week I launched the 2010 Revolution of Faith program. You can find it online at
It is a program designed for families that focuses on faith, fun, and fellowship. It is also about new year's resolutions. Many times we make new year's resolutions on new year's eve or day, but we all know that usually by the end of the year we have given up hope on these or completely forgotten about them. That's where the 2010 Program comes in. It will help you to evaluate your goals and see if you need to make any changes. It will also help you chart your progress. The goal is for you to make faith goals, family goals, and personal goals, then connect them. I hope you enjoy the program! If you have any questions, email me at!